FISIP Universitas Andalas Collaboration with IAPA and Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform to Host IAPA 2023 Conference with the Theme “Reflection on Administration Science”

Padang-FISIP Universitas Andalas played host to the Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) 2023 Conference, a prestigious annual event that gathers academics, practitioners, and students in the field of Public Administration. This year, IAPA chose the theme "New Public Governance: Reflection on Administration Science." on Wednesday-Thursday/26-27 October 2023.

Dr. Hendri Koeswara, M.Soc, Sc, the Chair of the IAPA 2023 organizing committee, emphasized the importance of public administration in shaping public policy and bureaucratic reform. "IAPA is a collaborative effort with the Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB RI), aiming to design a roadmap for bureaucratic reform. This is because public administration is closely intertwined with public issues and bureaucracy," stated Hendri Koeswara on October 26.

The IAPA 2023 Conference featured a series of informative and engaging activities for all participants. It commenced with workshops and discussions that allowed practitioners, professors, and attendees to share insights on challenges and innovations in public policy and bureaucracy.

Moreover, IAPA 2023 offered a unique opportunity for participants to interact with professional journal editors through the "Meet and Greet with Journal Editor" session. Distinguished guests included Jesse William Campbell, Ph.D. (Editor of the Journal of Korean Policy Studies at Incheon National University), Dr. Mary Mangai (University of Pretoria), and Dr.-Ing. Ir. Uyung Gatot Syafrawi Dinata, M.T. (Andalas University).

In addition to workshops and the "Meet and Greet" session, IAPA 2023 organized a talkshow that delved into issues related to public policy and bureaucracy. This forum provided valuable insights into the developments in public policy and bureaucracy and featured speakers such as local government officials from West Sumatra, including the Regent of Agam, the Regent of Tanah Datar, and the Mayor of Padang Panjang (2018-2023). Prof. Dr. Eko Prasodjo also took part in the discussion, with moderation by Prof. Dr. Sangkala, M.A. The talkshow followed a series of opening events at the Andalas University Convention Hall, with the presence of the Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, represented by the Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Accountability, and Personnel Oversight, as well as the Rector of Andalas University, the Chair of IAPA's National Board, the Dean of FISIP, and heads of FISIP departments.

As a gesture of hospitality from the West Sumatra Provincial Government, the day concluded with a special dinner at the West Sumatra Governor's Official Residence. The IAPA 2023 Conference continued through Friday, October 27, 2023, at the ZHM Hotel in Padang.

Pada tanggal 26 Oktober 2023, Pre-Conference Annual International Conference (IAPA) telah berlangsung FISIP Universitas Andalas. Acara Pre-Conference dimulai dengan sesi Analisis Game Theory yang dipandu oleh Dr. Ary Samsura di Ruang Sidang Dekanat. Ada pula kegiatan paralel seperti Penyusunan Sistem Merit bagi Instansi, Penjaminan Mutu Prodi (Akreditasi), dan Tips & Trik untuk menjadi UMKM Hebat juga diadakan di ruangan yang berbeda. Para peserta diberikan kesempatan untuk memilih sesi yang ingin diikuti.

Adapun kegiatan pada tanggal tersebut  juga berlangsung Lomba Public in Frame 2023 yang diadakan oleh Panitia PIF di Gedung D FISIP Unand. Serta Open Ceremony yang di adakan di Gedung Covention Hall Universitas Andalas dengan Pembukaan acara dan Keybote Speech oleh Menteri PAN RB. Acara berlangsung dengan baik dan lancar.

Pada hari Jumat, 27 Oktober 2023, Conference dimulai di Hotel ZHM Premiere. Acara diawali dengan Prof. Guy Peters dan Prof. Dr. Saldi Isra, S.H., MPA memberikan Keynote Speech yang memukau di Ballroom ZHM. Sesi paralel juga  berjalan pada hari tersebut dengan moderator dan panitia di setiap ruang memastikan kelancaran acara. Terdapat pula Workshop Tips & Trik Penguatan SAKIP dan Reformasi Birokrasi yang diikuti oleh peserta undangan dari Pemerintah Daerah di Ballroom ZHM. Plenary Session yang dipandu oleh Dr. Maskota Delfi, M.Hum melibatkan berbagai pembicara internasional, membuka wawasan peserta tentang isu-isu terkini di bidang administrasi publik.

Final acara Public In Frame Competition 2023 juga dilaksanakan pada hari tersebut dengan tamu undangan yang berasal dari Dosen, Mahasiswa Administrasi Publik/Ilmu Administrasi Negara Seluruh Indonesia, Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Andalas. Kata sambutan diberikan oleh Ketua Pelaksana, Ketua Himpunan, Ketua Departemen yang diwakilkan oleh sekretaris Departemen Administrasi Publik dan terakhir oleh Wakil Dekan III FISIP Universitas Andalas.

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